1. How do I stop my child’s eyes from worsening?Ortho-k works by gently reshaping the front surface of your eyes (the cornea) so that light can properly focus inside your eyes without wearing lenses. A simple "vision retainer" is worn while sleeping.
2. Is it FDA approved?Yes! Also there is no pain or surgery with Ortho-k vision correction because of the unique properties of the cornea. During the molding process, the retainer floats on the tear layer of your eye, so it does not actually push the cells. Instead they are drawn toward the mold, which causes the shaping action.
3. Is this a proven technology?Yes. Dr Gross has been performing Ortho-K for the past 15 plus years. The science of Ortho-k has been known for at least 50+ years however, we didn't have the instruments needed to achieve accurate results until about 20 years ago. Since 2002, the popularity of Ortho-k has risen steadily around the world for students concerned about their eyesight worsening as well as athletes worried about their day time contracts failing them.
4. Why haven't I heard about Ortho-k before?This is a specialty that requires advanced training and certification. At Chelsea Vision Associates we have the most modern technology to ensure success for your child.
5. Why should I consider Ortho-k for my child?Ortho-k has a special benefit to children or anyone who has myopia that continues to get worse over time. Ortho-k correction can actually STOP myopia from progressing. This is important to help prevent blurry vision and eye disease. Great vision helps children perform better in school and sports and maintain healthy eyes for life.
If you or a loved-one has myopia or wants to see without glasses, please book a free consultation with our team.